Learning to Signal in a Dynamic World

Dr J McKenzie Alexander

Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method
London School of Economics and Political Science


This simulation explores the extent to which various models of reinforcement learning are capable of learning to signal in a dynamic world. It uses the standard framework of sender-receiver games, with the following two modifications:

  1. It is possible for new state-action pairs to be added to the model.
  2. It is possible for what counts as the correct action to be performed, given the state of the world, to change. Here, it is implemented as a swapping of state-action pairs. More precisely, if si and sj denote states of the world with ai and aj the correct actions to be performed in those states — which is indicated by siai and sjaj , respectively — then after the state-action swap the correct responses are siaj and sjai.

Several models of reinforcement learning are provided: Forgetting A and Forgetting B, as discussed in Alexander, Skyrms and Zabell (2011), and a variant of Roth-Erev reinforcement learning which discounts the past. The actual implementation of these builds upon the Hoppe-Pólya urn model of Skyrms's book Signals: Evolution, Learning & Information.

How to use it

To begin, configure the parameters of the model by adjusting the controls to the desired setting. Then click "Setup" to initialize the model and "Go" to begin running the simulation. Once the "Go" button has been clicked, the simulation will run indefinitely until the "Go" button is clicked again to switch it off. Finer control can be obtained by clicking the "Step" button, which only advances the simulation forward one step.

The meaning of most parameters should be clear from the name, expect perhaps the ones governing the appearance of the display (these are the ones on the right). The best way of understanding what the display parameters mean is to configure the model for a 3-state signalling problem and start the simulation running. Adjusting the display controls will then be reflected in real-time by the appearance of the urn diagrams.

The urn diagrams

The current state of the Sender and Receiver urns are displayed in the main graphic window. The lines leading away from the Sender are labelled with an integer representing the state of the world in which that urn is used. Following that path, after the urn node is reached, additional edges are drawn outwards for the contents of the urn, along with their count / weight. Initially, only the mutator (the "black ball") is present in the urns. The mutator's edge always has index '0'.

As additional signals are tried out, some of them will be successful. After a successful signalling attempt, the Receiver will have urns, one urn for each signal used. The contents of the Receiver's urns will be labelled '0',…,'N-1', where there are N possible actions to take. The numbers at the end of each of the Receiver's "tree" structures is the total weight.

System Requirements.

The applet requires Java 5 or higher. Java must be enabled in your browser settings. Mac users must have Mac OS X 10.4 or higher. Windows and Linux users may obtain the latest Java from Sun's Java site.

View/download model file: signalling in a dynamic world.nlogo

extensions [ array table ]

breed [ agents agent ]
breed [ urn-nodes urn-node ]
breed [ ball-color-nodes ball-color-node ]

; This is an unusual NetLogo model --- as the simulation is structurally
; so simple, most of the interaction is stored in global variables.
globals [
  sender   ; the Sender agent
  receiver ; the Receiver agent
  nature   ; not used for anything except display purposes
  state-swap-history ; a list of the times when a state/action pair swap occurred
  state-added-history ; a list of the times when a new state/action pair was added
  history  ; a list of the past N signalling outcomes 
           ; (used for calculating the moving average)
  successful-signalling-attempts ; a tally of the total number of successful
                                 ; signalling attempts (used to calculate the
                                 ; cumulative frequency)
  state-action-map ; Indicates which action is correct given the state of the world.
                   ; The index i should be the current state of the world, the 
                   ; value stored in the list is the correct action to perform.
  output-string ; The history of state-action pairs, to be displayed in the output window
  world-state   ; The current state of the world
  next-color    ; The next ball color to use
  signal-sent   ; The most recent signal sent by the Sender
  action-done   ; The most recent action performed by the Receiver

agents-own [  
  ; An urn is coded as a list of two lists:
  ;  - the first list is the set of ball colours
  ;  - the second list is the number of balls of each colour
  ; [ [...colours...] [...counts...] ]
  urn-array  ; Just used by the Sender
  dictionary ; Just used by the Receiver

; parent = "Sender" or "Receiver"
; id = urn # or ball color #
; kind = 0 for urn link, 1 for ball color link
links-own [

urn-nodes-own [

ball-color-nodes-own [

to setup
  set state-swap-history ""
  set history []
  set state-added-history []
  set results-to-display? false
  set next-color 1
  set successful-signalling-attempts 0
  set output-string "Correct act for the state of the world: (state->act)\n\n"
  set last-signalling-attempt-successful? false
; Open up a data file to store the complete history of the model
; (This was commented out for purposes of posting online...)
;  if (log-data? = true)
;  [
;    if (file-exists? "parameters-and-data.m")
;    [
;      file-close-all
;      file-delete "parameters-and-data.m"
;    ]
;    file-open "parameters-and-data.m"
;    file-print "{"
;    file-type "  History->{\n  "
;  ]
  if (initial-state-probabilities = "Manual distribution" and length state-probabilities != number-of-states)
    user-message "You have not specified probabilities for\nthe correct number of states."
  if (initial-state-probabilities = "Equiprobable") 
     set world-state-weights (word "[ " (reduce [(word ?1 " " ?2)] (n-values number-of-states [1 / number-of-states])) " ]")
  ; This just sets the default value of state-action-map to
  ; the list [0 1 2 ... number-of-states - 1 ], indicating that the correct
  ; action for state i is action i.
  set state-action-map (n-values number-of-states [?])
  ; Although no swap has occurred, we call the next method because that serves to note
  ; what the correct state/action pairs are at the start of the simulation.
  ; (Note it has to be called here because it depends on state-action-map being
  ; initialized.)
  ; Next, we create 2 turtles whose only purpose is being a carrier
  ; for the labels "Sender" or "Receiver"... they do nothing in the
  ; model - they just carry some text on the display.
  create-turtles 1 [
    setxy -3 1
    set label "Sender"
    set size 0 

  create-turtles 1 [
    setxy 5.2 1
    set label "Receiver"
    set size 0 
  ; Now create the Sender. 
  create-agents 1 [ 
    set sender self
    setxy -6 0
    set shape "circle"
    set size player-node-size
    set color blue
    ;set urn-array (array:from-list (n-values number-of-states [ [[0] [1]] ]))
    set urn-array (array:from-list (n-values number-of-states [ (list (list 0) (list mutator-weight)) ] ))
    let i 0
    while [i < number-of-states ] [
      hatch-urn-nodes 1 [
        let urn self
        set reference i
        set color green
        set size 1
        set shape "circle"
        create-link-with sender [
          set parent "Sender"
          set id i ; this is the urn label
          set color white
          set label i 
        hatch-ball-color-nodes 1 [
           set color blue
           set size 0.5
           set shape "circle"
           set label 1
           set agent-type "Sender"
           set ball-color 0
           set urn-tag i
           create-link-with urn [
             set parent (word "Sender-Urn-" i)
             set id 0 ; this is the ball color
             set label 0 
      set i (i + 1)
  create-agents 1 [
    set receiver self
    setxy 6 0
    set shape "circle"
    set size player-node-size
    set color blue
    set dictionary table:make
  create-turtles 1 [
    set nature self
    setxy 4 -5
    set shape "square"
    set size 0
    set color green
    set label ""
  create-turtles 1 [
     setxy 3 -5
     set size 0
     set label "State of the world:" 


to go

to step
  set new-signal-tried? false
  set results-to-display? true
  ; check to see if we are to swap the correct action for the state
  ; of the world, and do, if so.
  if (enable-swap-states? = true and ((random-float 1.0) < swap-state-probability))
  ; check to see if we are to add a new state/action pair, and then do, if so
  if (enable-add-new-states? = true and ((random-float 1.0) < new-state-action-pair-probability))
  ; determine the state of the world and note in on the display
  set world-state select-world-state
  ask nature [ set label world-state ]
  comment (word "World state: " world-state)
  set signal-sent get-signal-from-sender
  comment (word "Signal from sender: " signal-sent) 
  set action-done get-action-from-receiver signal-sent
  comment (word "Action performed by receiver: " action-done)
  ifelse (is-action-performed-correct? action-done world-state) 
    set last-signalling-attempt-successful? true
    ; signalling attempt was successful, so make a note of that
    set successful-signalling-attempts (successful-signalling-attempts + 1.0)

    ; append data to the "complete-history" file
; (Commented out for purposes of posting online...)
;    if (log-data? = true)
;    [
;      file-open "parameters-and-data.m"
;      ifelse (ticks != 0)
;        [ file-type ",1" ]
;        [ file-type "1" ]
;      if (ticks > 0 and (ticks mod 50 = 0))
;        [ file-type "\n  " ]
;    ]
    set history (lput 1 history)
    if (length history > length-moving-average)
      set history (but-first history)
    ; reinforce the appropriate urns
    if (new-signal-tried? = true) [
      add-new-ball-color-to-sender-urns signal-sent 
      ; must update the urns..
      create-urn-nodes 1 [
        set color green
        set size 1
        set shape "circle"
        set reference signal-sent
        create-link-with receiver [
          set parent "Receiver"
          set id signal-sent ; this is the urn label
          set color white
          set label signal-sent 
        ; now create the nodes for the various action types
        let urn self
        let i 0
        while [i < number-of-states] 
          hatch-ball-color-nodes 1 [
            set color blue
            set size 0.5
            set shape "circle"
            set label 1
            set urn-tag signal-sent
            set ball-color i
            set agent-type "Receiver"
            create-link-with urn [
              set parent (word "Receiver-Urn-" signal-sent)
              set id i ; this is the ball color
              set color white
              set label i 
          set i (i + 1) 
      set next-color (next-color + 1)
    reinforce-sender-urn world-state signal-sent
    reinforce-receiver-urn signal-sent action-done
    ; we didn't succeed in signalling
    set last-signalling-attempt-successful? false

    ; append data to the data file
; Commented out for purposes of posting online
;    if (log-data? = true) 
;    [
;      file-open "parameters-and-data.m"
;      ifelse (ticks != 0)
;        [ file-type ",0" ]
;        [ file-type "0" ]
;      if (ticks > 0 and (ticks mod 50 = 0))
;        [ file-type "\n  " ] 
;    ]
    set history (lput 0 history)
    if (length history > length-moving-average)
      set history (but-first history)
    if (new-signal-tried? = true) 
       ; This is just done to keep the urns in alignment
       remove-urn-from-receiver signal-sent
  if (enable-forgetting? = true) ; and (random-float 1.0 < forgetting-rate)) 
    if (forgetting-type = "Forgetting A" and (random-float 1.0 < forgetting-rate))  
      [ do-forgetting-A ]
    if (forgetting-type = "Forgetting B" and (random-float 1.0 < forgetting-rate))
      [ do-forgetting-B ]
    if (forgetting-type = "Discount the past")
      [ do-discount-the-past ]

to-report is-action-performed-correct? [ action state ]
  ifelse ((item state state-action-map) = action)
    [ report true ]
    [ report false ]

to randomly-swap-correct-response-to-world-state
  let i (random number-of-states)
  let j (random number-of-states)
  while [j = i]
    set j (random number-of-states) 
  let old-i-action (item i state-action-map)
  let old-j-action (item j state-action-map)
  set state-action-map (replace-item i state-action-map old-j-action)
  set state-action-map (replace-item j state-action-map old-i-action)

; Report an urn of the form [ [ 0 s_1 ... s_n ] [ 1 1 ... 1 ] ]
; (it contains one ball for each of the currently used signals, plus
; a mutator ball.)
to-report create-urn-with-currently-used-signals
  let used-signals signals-in-use
  ; Only need N-1 values because the mutator gets a different weight...
  let counts (n-values ((length used-signals) - 1) [1])
  report (list used-signals (fput mutator-weight counts))

to add-new-state-action-pair
  ; First, note when we added a new state
  set state-added-history (lput ticks state-added-history)
  ; It's easier to follow the logic if we use new-state rather than number-of-states
  let new-state number-of-states
  ; We need to do several things:
  ; 1. Add a new urn, empty except for the black ball and the used signals, to the Sender's
  ;    array of urns.
  ; 2. Create the nodes used to draw and display the contents of the new 
  ;    Sender urn -- this means creating a new hatch-urn-node and a new
  ;    hatch-ball-color-node.
  ; 3. Add a new entry to the state-action-map, thereby allowing us to both
  ;    add new state/action pairs to the model in addition to swapping the
  ;    correct answers from time to time.
  ; 4. Update the world state probabilities so that there is a nonzero
  ;    chance that nature will select the new state of the world and present
  ;    it to the Sender.  
  ; 5. Loop through all of the *Receiver's* urns which currently exist and
  ;    insert a new ball representing the new action now available to the
  ;    Receiver.
  ; 6. Create the nodes used to draw and display the contents of the 
  ;    Receiver's urns, adding a new edge for the new available action.
  ask sender [
    ; add a new urn to the Sender's array (this achieves 1.)
    let urn-list array:to-list urn-array
    let urn create-urn-with-currently-used-signals
    set urn-list (lput urn urn-list )
    set urn-array array:from-list urn-list
    ; Now create the nodes to display the status of the urn
    ; this achieves 2.
    hatch-urn-nodes 1 [
      let urn-node self
      set reference new-state
      set color green
      set size 1
      set shape "circle"
      create-link-with sender [
        set parent "Sender"
        set id new-state ; this is the urn label
        set color white
        set label new-state
      ; now create the ball color nodes for each of the balls in 
      ; the urn
      foreach (item 0 urn) [
        let col ?
        hatch-ball-color-nodes 1 [
           set color blue
           set size 0.5
           set shape "circle"
           set label 1
           set agent-type "Sender"
           ;set ball-color 0
           set ball-color col
           set urn-tag new-state
           create-link-with urn-node [
             set parent (word "Sender-Urn-" new-state)
             set id col ; this is the ball color
             set label col 
  ; Extend the list of correct responses to the (new) state of the world
  ; by one new act. (This achieves 3.)
  set state-action-map (lput new-state state-action-map)
  ; Change the probabilities of the states of the world. (This achieves 4.)
  let new-probs (read-from-string world-state-weights)
  set new-probs (map [ (number-of-states / (number-of-states + 1)) * ? ] new-probs)
  set new-probs (lput (1 / (number-of-states + 1)) new-probs)
  set world-state-weights (word "[" (reduce [ (word ?1 " " ?2) ] new-probs) "]")
  ; Now add the new action to the *Receiver's* existing urns. (This achieves 5.)
  ask receiver [
    let keys table:keys dictionary
    foreach keys [
      let urn table:get dictionary ?
      let actions (item 0 urn)
      let totals  (item 1 urn)
      set actions (lput new-state actions)
      set totals  (lput 1 totals)
      table:put dictionary ? (list actions totals)
    ; Now create the new nodes to display the contents of the Receiver's urns
    ; this (finally) completes 6.
    ask my-links [ ; This contacts the nodes connected to the Receiver
      ask other-end [ ; This contacts the urn-node at the other end
        ; now create the new action node 
        let urn self
        let ref reference
        hatch-ball-color-nodes 1 [
          set color blue
          set size 0.5
          set shape "circle"
          set label 1
          set urn-tag ref
          set ball-color new-state
          set agent-type "Receiver"
          create-link-with urn [
            set parent (word "Receiver-Urn-" signal-sent)
            set id new-state ; this is the ball color
            set color white
            set label new-state 
  set number-of-states (number-of-states + 1)

to update-plot
  ; Have to add 1 to the ticks count below because otherwise we get
  ; a division by zero message at the start Ñ because we don't advance
  ; the tick counter until the very end (after we update both the plot 
  ; and the display)
  set-current-plot-pen "cumulf"
  plot cumulative-frequency

  set-current-plot-pen "movingf"
  plot moving-frequency

to-report cumulative-frequency
  report successful-signalling-attempts / ticks

to-report moving-frequency
  ifelse (length history = 0)
    [ report 0 ]
    [ report mean history ]

to-report signals-in-use
  let signals []
  let i 0
  while [i < number-of-states]
    let urn array:item ([urn-array] of sender) i
    set signals (sentence signals (item 0 urn))
    set i (i + 1)
  set signals (sort (remove-duplicates signals))
  report signals

to check-for-extinct-signals
  let used-signals signals-in-use
  let signals-receiver-responds-to (table:keys ([dictionary] of receiver))
  foreach signals-receiver-responds-to 
    if ((member? ? used-signals ) = false)
      ; kill the nodes in the display
      ask ball-color-nodes with [ agent-type = "Receiver" and urn-tag = ?]
        [ die ]
      ask receiver [
        ask link-neighbors with [ reference = ? ]
          [ die ]
        table:remove dictionary ?

to remove-urn-from-receiver [ signal ]
  ask receiver [
    table:remove dictionary signal 

to add-new-ball-color-to-sender-urns [ col ]
  ask sender [
    let i 0
    while [ i < number-of-states ] 
      let urn (array:item urn-array i)  
      array:set urn-array i (add-new-ball-color-to-urn  col urn)
      set i (i + 1)
    ask link-neighbors [
      let r reference
      hatch-ball-color-nodes 1 [ 
        set urn-tag r
        set ball-color col
        set agent-type "Sender"
        set label 1
        set color blue
        set size 0.1
        set shape "circle"
        create-link-with myself [
          set parent (word "Sender-Urn-" r)
          set id col ; this is the ball color
          set label col 

to reinforce-sender-urn [ state signal ]
  ask sender [
    let urn (array:item urn-array state)
    set urn (reinforce-urn signal urn)
    array:set urn-array state urn

to reinforce-receiver-urn [ signal action ]
  ask receiver [
    let urn (table:get dictionary signal)
    table:put dictionary signal (reinforce-urn action urn)

to-report get-action-from-receiver [ signal ]
  let response -1
  ask receiver [
    ifelse (table:has-key? dictionary signal = true) 
      ; retrieve the urn and select an action
      let urn table:get dictionary signal
      set response (draw-ball-from-urn urn)
      ; create a new urn and add it to the table
      let ball-colors (n-values number-of-states [?])
      let ball-counts (n-values number-of-states [1])
      let urn  (list ball-colors ball-counts)
      table:put dictionary signal urn
      set response (draw-ball-from-urn urn)
  report response

to-report get-signal-from-sender 
  let signal-to-send -1
  ask sender [
    let urn (array:item urn-array world-state )
    let ball (draw-ball-from-urn urn)
    ifelse (ball = 0)
        set new-signal-tried? true 
        set signal-to-send next-color 
      [ set signal-to-send ball ]
  report signal-to-send

; World states can be 0, 1, 2, etc. 
; Indexing the states from 0 is more convenient for list extraction.
to-report select-world-state
  let list-of-states n-values number-of-states [?]
  report select-randomly-by-weight list-of-states state-probabilities

to-report state-probabilities
  ifelse (initial-state-probabilities = "Equiprobable")
    report n-values number-of-states [ 1.0 / number-of-states ] 
    ifelse (initial-state-probabilities = "Random distribution")
      [ report random-distribution ]
      [ report read-from-string world-state-weights ]

; Use a stick-breaking algorithm to generate an unbiased probability vector
to-report random-distribution
  let lst (sort (sentence [ 0.0 1.0 ] (n-values (number-of-states - 1) [random-float 1.0] )))
  let dist (map [?1 - ?2] (but-first lst) (but-last lst))
  set last-used-world-state-weights (word "[ " (reduce [(word ?1 " " ?2)] dist) " ]")
  report dist

to update-display
  ask agents [
    set size player-node-size 
  ask ball-color-nodes with [ agent-type = "Sender" ]
    let urn (array:item ([urn-array] of sender) urn-tag)
    ; Trim the weight to 5 characters if we are discounting the past
    ifelse (forgetting-type = "Discount the past")
      [ set label (trim-string (word (number-of-balls-in-urn-of-this-color ball-color urn)) 5) ]
      [ set label (number-of-balls-in-urn-of-this-color ball-color urn) ]
  ask ball-color-nodes with [ agent-type = "Receiver" ]
    let urn (table:get ([dictionary] of receiver) urn-tag)
    ; Trim the label to 5 characters if we are discounting the past
    ifelse (forgetting-type = "Discount the past")
      [ set label (trim-string (word (number-of-balls-in-urn-of-this-color ball-color urn)) 5) ]
      [ set label (number-of-balls-in-urn-of-this-color ball-color urn) ]
  ; need to include this always in case we flipped off
  ; the show-urn-results? switch
  ask links [
      set color white
      set thickness 0
  if (show-urn-results? = true and results-to-display? = true)
    ask links with [ parent = "Sender" and id = world-state ]
      ifelse (last-signalling-attempt-successful?)
        [ set color green ]
        [ set color red ]
      set thickness 0.5
    ask links with [ parent = (word "Sender-Urn-" world-state) and id = signal-sent ]
      ifelse (last-signalling-attempt-successful?)
        [ set color green ]
        [ set color red ]
      set thickness 0.5
    ask links with [ parent = "Receiver" and id = signal-sent ]
      ifelse (last-signalling-attempt-successful?)
        [ set color green ]
        [ set color red ]
      set thickness 0.5
    ask links with [ parent = (word "Receiver-Urn-" signal-sent) and id = action-done ]
      ifelse (last-signalling-attempt-successful?)
        [ set color green ]
        [ set color red ]
      set thickness 0.5


;to forget
;  if (forgetting-type = "Forgetting A") 
;    [ do-forgetting-A ]
;  if (forgetting-type = "Forgetting B")
;    [ do-forgetting-B ]

to do-forgetting-A
  ask sender [
    ; pick an urn
    let i (random number-of-states) 
    let urn (array:item urn-array i)
    let c draw-ball-from-urn urn

    if (c = 0) 
      [ stop ]
    ; Check to see how many balls of that color there are
    ; because, if this is the last one, we need to remove the
    ; corresponding node from the display
    if ((number-of-balls-in-urn-of-this-color c urn) = 1)
      ; kill the node 
      ask ball-color-nodes with [ agent-type = "Sender" and urn-tag = i and ball-color = c ]
        [ die ]
    array:set urn-array i (deinforce-urn c urn)

to do-forgetting-B
  ask sender [
    ; pick an urn
    let i (random number-of-states) 
    let urn (array:item urn-array i)
    ; pick a color
    let ball-colors (item 0 urn)
    let c (item (random (length ball-colors)) ball-colors)

    if (c = 0) 
      [ stop ]
    ; Check to see how many balls of that color there are
    ; because, if this is the last one, we need to remove the
    ; corresponding node from the display
    if ((number-of-balls-in-urn-of-this-color c urn) = 1)
      ; kill the node 
      ask ball-color-nodes with [ agent-type = "Sender" and urn-tag = i and ball-color = c ]
        [ die ]
    array:set urn-array i (deinforce-urn c urn)

to do-discount-the-past
  ask sender [
    ; loop over all the urns, discounting each one.
    let i 0
    while [i < number-of-states]
      let urn (array:item urn-array i)
      set urn (discount-urn 1 urn)
      ; Now we need to inspect the discounted urn, killing the nodes
      ; used to show the weight if the weight has dipped below the 
      ; cutoff threshold.
      let ball-colors  (item 0 urn) ; the colors in the urn
      let ball-weights (item 1 urn) ; the weight assigned to each color
      let len (length ball-weights) ; the number of colours in the urn
      let c 1                  ; the index of the current colour we are checking
                               ; it is set to 1 because 0 is the black ball and
                               ; we never discount the weight attached to the black ball
      ; Now loop over the weights, killing the node if the weight is below the cutoff threshold.
      ; At this point, we don't alter the structure of the urn -- we will do that next.
      while [c < len] 
        if ((item c ball-weights) < cutoff-threshold)
          ; kill the node 
          ask ball-color-nodes with [ agent-type = "Sender" and urn-tag = i and ball-color = (item c ball-colors) ]
            [ die ]
        set c (c + 1)
      ; Now clean up the urn, removing any balls whose weight dropped below the cutoff threshold.
      ; We do this by building up a new urn, only including those colors from the old urn whose
      ;  weight is greater than the cutoff threshold.
      let new-ball-colors  []
      let new-ball-weights []
      let old-ball-colors  (item 0 urn)
      let old-ball-weights (item 1 urn)
      set c 0
      set len (length old-ball-colors)
      while [c < len]
        if ((item c old-ball-weights) >= cutoff-threshold)
          set new-ball-colors  (lput (item c old-ball-colors) new-ball-colors)
          set new-ball-weights (lput (item c old-ball-weights) new-ball-weights) 
        set c (c + 1)
      set urn (list new-ball-colors new-ball-weights)
      array:set urn-array i urn 
      set i (i + 1)
  ask receiver [
     let signals (table:keys dictionary)
     foreach signals 
       let urn table:get dictionary ? 
       set urn (discount-urn 0 urn)
       table:put dictionary ? urn

;to discount-the-past [ rate ]
;  ask researchers [
;    let ball-colors (item 0 urn)
;    comment (word "Ball colors: " ball-colors)
;    let ball-counts (item 1 urn)
;    comment (word "Ball counts: " ball-counts)
;    let new-ball-counts map [ ? * rate ] ball-counts
;    ; reset the count of the black ball to 1, if it exists
;    let pos (position 0 ball-colors)
;    if (pos != false) 
;    [
;      set ball-counts (replace-item pos new-ball-counts 1)
;    ]
;    set urn (list ball-colors ball-counts)
;    ; now prune the urn of colors below a certain threshold
;    foreach ball-colors [
;      if ( (number-of-balls-in-urn-of-this-color ?) / total-number-of-balls-in-urn < 0.000001)
;      [
;         remove-color-from-urn ?
;         remove-arm-from-bandit ?
;         ask arm-link-neighbors with [ arm-colour = ? ] [ die ]
;      ]
;    ]
;  ]

; observer context
to-report select-randomly-by-weight [ lst weights ]
  let total-weight (sum weights)
  let r (random-float total-weight) 
  let list-position 0
  let item-selected false
  while [item-selected = false] [
    let current-weight (item list-position weights)

    ifelse r > current-weight
      set r (r - current-weight)
      set list-position (list-position + 1)
    [ set item-selected true]
  report item list-position lst

; researcher context
to-report total-number-of-balls-in-urn [ urn ]
  report sum (item 1 urn)

; researcher context
to-report number-of-balls-in-urn-of-this-color [ c urn ]
  let ball-colors (item 0 urn)
  let ball-counts (item 1 urn)
  let pos (position c ball-colors)
  ifelse (pos = false)
    [ report 0 ]
    [ report item pos ball-counts]

; researcher context
to-report number-of-colors-in-urn [ urn ]
  report length (item 0 urn)

; researcher context
to-report ball-color-probability [ col urn ]
  report (number-of-balls-in-urn-of-this-color col urn) / ( total-number-of-balls-in-urn urn )

; the structure of an urn is [ [ ...colours...] [ ...numbers...] ]
; researcher context
to-report draw-ball-from-urn [ urn ]
  let ball-colors (item 0 urn)
  let ball-counts (item 1 urn)
  let number-of-balls (sum ball-counts )
  let r (random-float number-of-balls)
  let list-position 0
  let ball-selected false
  while [ball-selected = false] [
    let current-ball-count (item list-position ball-counts)
    ifelse r < current-ball-count
      set ball-selected true 
      set r (r - current-ball-count)
      set list-position (list-position + 1)
  report item list-position ball-colors

; The variable 'starting-point' below specifies the first index 
; from which we begin discounting the urn. We need to do that
; because when we discount the Sender's urn, we don't discount the
; black ball (so we start at index = 1). When we discount the
; Receiver's urn, we discount everything (so we start at index = 0).
to-report discount-urn [ starting-point urn ]
  let ball-colors (item 0 urn)
  let ball-weights (item 1 urn)
  let len (length ball-weights)
  let i starting-point
  while [i < len]
    let weight (item i ball-weights)
    set weight (discount-factor * weight)
    set ball-weights (replace-item i ball-weights weight)
    set i (i + 1)
  report (list ball-colors ball-weights)

to-report add-new-ball-color-to-urn [ col urn ]
  let ball-colors (item 0 urn)
  let ball-counts (item 1 urn)
  set ball-colors (lput col ball-colors)
  set ball-counts (lput 1 ball-counts)
  report (list ball-colors ball-counts)

; the structure of an urn is [ [ ...colours...] [ ...numbers...] ]
to-report reinforce-urn [ col urn ]
  let ball-colors (item 0 urn)
  let ball-counts (item 1 urn)
  let list-position (position col ball-colors)
  let cnt (item list-position ball-counts)
  set ball-counts (replace-item list-position ball-counts (cnt + 1))
  report (list ball-colors ball-counts)

; the structure of an urn is [ [ ...colours...] [ ...numbers...] ]
to-report deinforce-urn [ col urn ]
  let ball-colors (item 0 urn)
  let ball-counts (item 1 urn)
  let list-position (position col ball-colors)
  let cnt (item list-position ball-counts)
  ifelse (cnt > 1) 
    set ball-counts (replace-item list-position ball-counts (cnt - 1))
    report (list ball-colors ball-counts)
    set ball-colors (remove-item list-position ball-colors)
    set ball-counts (remove-item list-position ball-counts)
    report (list ball-colors ball-counts)

to-report remove-color-from-urn [ col urn ]
  let ball-colors (item 0 urn)
  let ball-counts (item 1 urn)
  let pos (position col ball-colors)
  set ball-colors (remove-item pos ball-colors)
  set ball-counts (remove-item pos ball-counts)
  report (list ball-colors ball-counts)

to layout-sender-urns
  ask sender [
    let x xcor
    let y ycor
    let i 0
    ; This next bit includes a fudge for when the number of states is 1 (since we
    ; don't really need a delta value -- but we have to calculate one anyway to keep
    ; from splitting the code
    let delta 0
    if (number-of-states > 1)
      [ set delta sender-urn-cone-angle / (number-of-states - 1) ]
    while [ i < number-of-states ] 
      ask link-neighbors with [ reference = i ] 
        ; this positions the node represent the urn
        setxy x y
        ifelse (number-of-states = 1)
        [ set heading -90 ]
          set heading -90 - (sender-urn-cone-angle / 2)
          set heading (heading + delta * i)
        fd length-of-links
        ; the following positions the nodes representing the contents of the urn
        let new-x xcor
        let new-y ycor
        let default-heading heading
        let s (count link-neighbors with [breed = ball-color-nodes])
        let new-delta 0
        if (s > 1)
          set new-delta sender-urn-contents-cone-angle / (s - 1)
        let j 0
        foreach (sort link-neighbors with [ breed = ball-color-nodes ] )
          ask ? [
            setxy new-x new-y
            ifelse (s > 1)
              set heading default-heading - (sender-urn-contents-cone-angle / 2)
              set heading (heading + new-delta * j)
              fd length-of-links
              set heading default-heading 
              fd length-of-links
            set j (j + 1)
      set i (i + 1)

to layout-receiver-urns
  ask receiver [
    let keys (sort table:keys dictionary)
    let x xcor
    let y ycor
    let i 0
    if (length keys) = 0 
      [ stop ]
    let delta 0
    if (length keys) > 1 
      set delta (receiver-urn-cone-angle / ((length keys) - 1)) 
    while [ i < (length keys) ] 
      ask link-neighbors with [ reference = (item i keys) ] 
        setxy x y
        ifelse (length keys) = 1
          set heading 90
          set heading 90 + (receiver-urn-cone-angle / 2)
          set heading (heading - delta * i)
        fd length-of-links
        ; the following positions the nodes representing the contents of the urn
        let new-x xcor
        let new-y ycor
        let default-heading heading
        ; As elsewhere, we don't need a new-delta value if there's only one
        ; state -- but we have to include this fudge to avoid splitting the code
        let new-delta 0
        if (number-of-states > 1)
          [ set new-delta receiver-urn-contents-cone-angle / (number-of-states - 1) ]
        let j 0
        foreach (sort link-neighbors with [ breed = ball-color-nodes ] )
          ask ? [
            setxy new-x new-y
            set heading default-heading + (receiver-urn-contents-cone-angle / 2)
            set heading (heading - new-delta * j)
            fd length-of-links
            set j (j + 1)
      set i (i + 1)

;; some helper reporters

; This constructs a string of the form "At time t: 0->i, 1->j,..." noting what the correct
; action is for the states of the world at the present tick.
to note-swap-occurred
  let indexes (n-values (length state-action-map) [?])
  let s reduce [(word ?1 ?2)] (map [(word ?1 "->" ?2 ", ") ] indexes state-action-map)
  set s (substring s 0 (length s - 2))
  ifelse (ticks = 0)
    [ set state-swap-history (word state-swap-history ticks "->{" s "}") ]
    [ set state-swap-history (word state-swap-history "," ticks "->{" s "}") ]
  set s (word "At time " ticks ": " s "\n")
  set output-string (word output-string s)
  output-print output-string

to-report number-of-signals-in-use
  report length (table:keys ([dictionary] of receiver))

to comment [ string ]
;  if show-console-comments?
;    [ print string ]

to-report trim-string [ string chars ]
  let len ((length string) - 1)
  ifelse (len > chars)
    [ report substring string 0 (chars - 1) ]
    [ report string ]

to-report probability-to-greyscale [ p ]
  let g (round (255 * p))
  report (list g g g )

to-report probability-to-red-green-mix [ p ]
  let r (round (255 * (1 - p)))
  let g (round (255 * p))
  report (list r g 0 )

to generate-latex-output
  if file-exists? "image.tex"
    [ file-delete "image.tex" ]
  file-open "image.tex"
  file-print "\\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1]"
  file-print "\\pgfsetxvec{\\pgfpoint{.25cm}{0cm}}"
  file-print "\\pgfsetyvec{\\pgfpoint{0cm}{.25cm}}"
  ask links [
    let x1 ([xcor] of end1)
    let y1 ([ycor] of end1)
    let x2 ([xcor] of end2)
    let y2 ([ycor] of end2)
    link-node x1 y1 x2 y2
  ask sender [
    ask my-links [
      ask other-end [ 
  ask receiver [
    ask my-links [
      ask other-end [ 
  ask ball-color-nodes [
    plot-ball-node "black" 

  file-print "\\end{tikzpicture}"

; This must be called within the context of a node...
to plot-urn-node 
  file-print (word "\\draw[fill=black!30] (" xcor "," ycor ") circle (" (size * 3) "pt);")  

to plot-ball-node [c]
  let angle ( - (atan xcor ycor) + 90)
  file-print (word "\\node[shape=circle,draw=black,transform shape,scale=.25,fill=black,label={[scale=.75,transform shape,inner sep=1pt]" angle ":" label "}] at (" xcor "," ycor ") {};")  

; must be called from the Sender's context
to plot-sender 
  file-print (word "\\draw[draw=black,fill=blue!50] (" xcor "," ycor ") circle (" (size * 3) "pt) node[anchor=south west,transform shape,outer sep=1pt] {Sender};")  

to plot-receiver 
  file-print (word "\\draw[draw=black,fill=blue!50] (" xcor "," ycor ") circle (" (size * 3) "pt) node[anchor=north east,transform shape,outer sep=1pt] {Receiver};")  

; This must be called within the context of a link...
to link-node [x1 y1 x2 y2]
  file-print (word "\\draw (" x1 "," y1 ") -- (" x2 "," y2 ") node[fill opacity=.75,fill=white,text opacity=1,scale=.8,transform shape,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=1pt,pos=.5] {" label "};")

; Commented out for purposes of posting online
;to close-data-file
;  file-open "parameters-and-data.m"
;  ; first, close off the history
;  file-print "},"
;  file-print (word "  NumberOfStates->" number-of-states ",")
;  file-print (word "  MutatorWeight->" mutator-weight ",")
;  file-print (word "  CutoffThreshold->" cutoff-threshold ",")
;  file-print (word "  SwapStates->" enable-swap-states? ",")
;  file-print (word "  SwapStateProbability->" swap-state-probability ",")
;  file-print (word "  AddNewStates->" enable-add-new-states? ",")
;  ifelse (length state-added-history = 0)
;    [ file-print "  AddNewStatesHistory->{}" ]
;    [ file-print (word "  AddNewStatesHistory->{" (reduce [(word ?1 "," ?2 )] state-added-history ) "},") ]
;  file-print (word "  NewStateActionPairProbability->" new-state-action-pair-probability ",")
;  file-print (word "  WorldStateWeights->{" (reduce [(word ?1 "," ?2 )] state-probabilities ) "},")
;  file-print (word "  StateSwapHistory->{" state-swap-history "}")
;  file-print "}"
;  file-close